Homeland: Desert, Coldlands, Mountains, Darklands
Languages: Common, various dialects
Humans are versatile creatures scattered across several lands. They may be considered the bridge between Realms, as other types of magical creatures can transform into human avatars or become human through Deepmagic. Natural human communities vary in culture and skin tone, but they all tend to harbor hostility toward other races— largely out of resentment for their own reputation of weakness and insignificance.
The desert-dwelling humans, characterized by their tan skin and brown eyes, live in frugal villages scattered across the sunbaked sands. They are ruled by a king, but his authority dwindles with distance from his seat of power in the desert's capital, Harai. Practical tan robes are the garb of choice for most humans of the desert; brightly dyed clothing serves as a symbol of status for the elite. Villages often include the social role of storyteller, which comes with traditional training in snake charming— a largely trivial branch of magic, but the only real power these humans can claim.
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